And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” ~Romans 10:15

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Introduction of Philippians

I wanted to start out with a history lesson on Philippi and why a letter to it's people might have made it in the Bible.

Philippi was one of the principle cities of Macedonia.  It was named after Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great.  As an entirely Roman city, it's citizens were given the same rights and privileges as a citizen of Rome would have.

Philippi was the first place in Europe where the Gospel was received.  Lydia was lead to Christ down by the river by Paul and those traveling with him.  It is in Philippi that Paul and Silas were placed in prison and ultimately set free when their praises to God set off an earthquake.  Paul's love ran deep for these people as he was with them when the Church is formed.  While we might not know the actual amount of time spent in Philippi, the new testament points out 3 different occasions that he traveled to this Macedonian city.

Let's start out in the beginning and read Philippians Chapter 1.  I will send out an email in the next few days with notes and comments on Chapter 1.  I would love get a discussion going on what everyone thinks or how the message is relating to you and your day to day lives.

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